Dear All Of you from near and far!
I think one day before I go home I will run out of creative ways to start
these emails....lets pray that doesn't happen :) No one likes a boring email
This week was a pretty good week! Elder Wankier and I are having a lot of
fun and we are also working hard! I have to tell you a story real quick that
happened to us on Tuesday Morning. It does deal with why the title of this email
is the way it is.
Tuesday Morning, we were getting ready and waiting for a guy named Pastor
Yost to come pick us up so that we could help him at his food pantry at his
church. Now Quick back ground on Pastor Yost, He is a Lutheran Pastor at a
church in our area, missionaries met him, he started taking the lessons and is
not currently being taught by our Zone Leaders because he lives in their area.
So in short, he loves having us help him whenever we can with service and what
not. We get a text from him saying, "Hey boys, I have your Mt. Dew Fix for the
Week in the back of my car if you wanna come out and get it." Elder Wankier and
Look at one another and are like, "DUDE! SICK!!!" We went out to his car and
gave him a hug, and then he opened his trunk and there sitting in the back of
his car are 9 twelve packs of Mt. Dew for Elder Wankier and I ....0.0 We just
about passed out in the parking lot seeing this! haha We then carried it
upstairs to our fridge and stuffed our fridge with all of it! haha We also have
two 2 liters of Mt. Dew in our fridge now as well. They are also from Pastor
Yost who calls the 2 liters our "I.V's" haha yeah this guy is my hero he rocks
my socks! haha you will pleased to know that as of today we have drinkin about 2
and a half twelve packs together with in the last 5-6 days haha :D
Other than that things have been the same old same old! My companions
Birthday was on Saturday and we totally forgot about it. ( i know sad right?)
until we got a text from the Assistants saying "Happy Birthday Elder Wankier!"
Then we were like, oh yeah, hmmm thats cool you want another Mt. Dew? haha yeah
we are awesome and partying it up here in Liverpool! Hope everyone else had a
sweet week! I miss Partying with so many of you through out my mission and you
back home as well!
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