Monday, October 13, 2014


Dear you all whom I Love so very much,

I want to let you all know that this week has been a hard week mentally and emotionally for my companion and I as we have done our best to do the Lords work, but as we all know, when we strive to become better and do better, Satan does the same thing; he tries harder and does what he can to tear us apart so that way may fall off the path of righteousness that leads to eternal life.Despite that hardships my companion and I have had this week, I do not wish to dwell on them or talk any more about them. In conference this year we heard a lot of people talk about how we need to let things go, and dwell on the bad, but hope for the good, and see the goodness that is yet to come.

This week did have some good things come from it! We did find a new investigator, we were able to see some of the small blessings that have come despite all the bad things that have happened. I want you all to know that I feel blessed beyond comprehension from this last week, and I still feel super blessed as I have looked passed the doubt, worry, and other un-positive feelings that Satan has thrown at me this week, and have done as most of the other speakers from this last General Conference have asked us “Which way do you face?” I asked my self that question this last week and noticed that I was not facing the Lord as often or as much as I should have been and that I needed to change. Just by turning to the Lord and facing him and the things we have been asked to do, I have been blessed immensely. I have not had any answers to my prayers yet, I have not had extreme or any other extra ordinary things happen to me since I have done this. What has happened to me is, that I feel happy, peace, comfort, in all things no matter what has or is going to happen! It has helped me feel more of a courage to head the words of Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum or the 12 apostles said to all of us,"Despite all of the negative challenges we have in life, we must take time to actively exercise our faith.....You may need to reorganize your priorities....If so, DO IT!
I also want to say a very very special CONGRATULATIONS to the new Mr. and Mrs. Wofley! Who got married this last weekend! I sent a special request in my email to my mother to give to those attending the ceremony (which I didn't they would actually do ) to take a selfie with those who were apart of the wedding so that way I could see everyone since I was not able to make it to the wedding. Here is what almost made me cry when I opened an email from my mom this week.

Thank you so much to those who where willing to be in the photo and to my cousin Bryson who was the camera man (AKA main selfie man) This truly has made my week and I love you all very much and I am so happy for both Robert and Sam that they are now married and are happy! I can't wait to hear from you all next week! 
Love Ya's! 
-Elder Zenger

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